One of the main purposes of Laredo Stepping Stone is to caretake for missionaries. The theme of our ministry is Missionaries to the Missionary, and we take that God given responsibility seriously! Having been involved in the ministry of taking short-term mission teams on trips into Mexico for 16 years from Saltillo, to Monterrey, to Ensenada and working along side of many different missionaries, we were able to speak with those working full-time in the field about their greatest need. We heard of the lack of supplies, finances, trustworthy companionships, and the isolation of being on the mission field.
We understand the frustrations of transportation breakdowns and difficult travel, finding safe, comfortable accommodations with welcoming people, and the need for peace and rest. God used those times to teach us how to meet those needs for missionaries working in and near Mexico and what Stepping Stone needed to be for them.
We took those lessons and used them in helping tailor the services we offer at Stepping Stone. Below, we have listed the ways in which we help you, the full-time missionary, accomplish the ministry God sent you out to do. The services have for missionaries working on the field full-time are offered to you for FREE of charge! We do not charge our full-time missionaries for anything – accommodations, supplies, mail drop, storage, etc. Should we be able to assists you in any of these areas, please contact us. It is our joy to provide you with a place of peace, rest, relaxation, and spiritual and emotional rejuvenation and support. We can’t wait to host you and serve you here at LSS.
Retired missionaries serving in a short-term missions capacity – those holding secular jobs but coming down to work with missionaries here, supplying missionaries, etc – and needing a place to stay will be charged half the normal rate to stay at LSS.